Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I passed my first semester!

Weee! Those painful weeks of procrastinating, if I am gonna fail my first semester, finally gone! I got a fair B for my overall GPA, and i am quite satisfied with my result. Some of my friends manage to get first and second class honour, feel so proud for them.

However, after seeing so many 'motivating oneself to study hard' statuse on facebook, i doubt i can slack any moment, else i am gonna fail badly for semester 2.

Shall end my blog here and continue to do readings! And start doing for the E-learnign project, which need to be submitted on week 6 with another essay for ICT. JIA YOU zhi cong!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Academic writing help!

In the case of determiners,

In formal academic writing, it is better to use many and much rather than a lot of, lots of and plenty of..

Must read: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/sequence.htm

"It would be folly, of course, to run more than two or three (at the most) adjectives together. Furthermore, when adjectives belong to the same class, they become what we call coordinated adjectives, and you will want to put a comma between them: the inexpensive, comfortable shoes. The rule for inserting the comma works this way: if you could have inserted a conjunction — and or but — between the two adjectives, use a comma. We could say these are "inexpensive but comfortable shoes," so we would use a comma between them (when the "but" isn't there). When you have three coordinated adjectives, separate them all with commas, but don't insert a comma between the last adjective and the noun (in spite of the temptation to do so because you often pause there):

a popular, respected, and good looking student "

Worries over my study! Great grand mother passed away.

If your friends think you are a sissy for making a blog,don't listen to them . Daily blogging prevent you from lose track on English. Even if your English is as lousy as mine, don't give up but at the same time, read up more on other people blog! I am currently facing mental block when I try to churn out a few paragraph of essay. That is not so me!

The next thing I am worried about is my semster 1 result! I seriously pray that i can at least pass the semester, when i had put in my 120% effort on it. The best que is to monitor my pay!

"Lao Ma'' passed away yesterday morning at 07 20 hours. May Lao Ma rest in peace.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Academic writing is gonna bring me down!!

Just read through the module requirment for academic writing and i am in deep trouble! Firstly, my English is so bad that i couldn't start writing an essay. So let me try to post what happend for the past whole week as a form of warming up!

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year 2011

Churning out a page of resolutions in the new year has become a ritual for me since the very first time I started blogging~

I was amazed by how much i have grown matured over the years. The way I joined in the countdown celebration clearly define what I meant. Seeing teenagers yesterday covered in sweat and emitting the weird rubbery smell, reminded me the moment celebrating new year with the mockery, at the age of 16 to 18 in town. Spraying chemicals at people and screaming like a banshee at people, those were the really crazy things we did.

Gradually, we have toned down, and chose to recide at friends' house and count down with the loves one. We went to sim's house for our new year count down again this year! Unlike last year where we got potluck session and crazy Wii session, this year got to sit around the dinning table playing card games.

I enjoyed the simple catch up session with friends, well, perhaps, next time, we can bring wine ( not hard liquor please), sit down together and reflect on what we had done in the year 2010!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wasted holiday!

Reading up journal? Preparing for my next tons of essay assignment? And reading up for next semster modules? Feel so sorry for myself, i never get the chance to do these things. Instead of doing something useful, I spent most of time having fun and recharge my energy for the coming semester.

I spent a fruitful 30 minutes in the library yesterday night, reading up an enrichment book titled, success in college. I was in shock when I realized I never fulfill 90 percent professor's requirments for my essay assginments. suck big time! Guess I really failed my semster 1...

Add on to the stress, last Monday and Tuesday, I was involved in a project looking after 25 children from a nearyby childcare center. They gave me a wake up call on how naughty today kids are. When you scold them, they either pretend never hear your instructions or just question you back.
A clear example:

"Zip your mouth and listen to me now!"
" It's my mouth, why you need to care?"


The worst thing is, I am going to incharge of adolescent in the future, if i couldn't handle the kids, I seriously doubt my capabaility on the older one.

The greatest barrier i faced now is my English proficiency. My most concern is my spoken English. Friends and family told me is because of the lack of chances to speak English, oh well, the only things i can do now, is help myself. When people speak chinese to me, i will speak English back to them. I know it is rude, but it is for my future survival.

The greatest joy in my term break is the Johor trip with family and friends. As I didn't quite enjoy the shopping experience during the first day Johor trip, I asked Justin for another second consequtive trip to Johor. I spent 100 Singdollars within seconds and the shopping experience taught me an important lesson: Johor things are not really cheap!

Oh well, It is time for me to start doing the reflection for the project, and swtiched back to my own laptop watching serial drama!

HAppy new year eve people!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Amazing gathering with the 2 bestie!

Thanks for putting me in your priority list and fullfill my wish~
yesterday was a blast! The happening at the pub really anger me but thinking back, it is super dramatic and taught us important lesson.

And i really do not wish to spend my bonous yet until I have seen the result

Justin was right, " don't aim to just pass, cause you will fail" Aim for the A~ which i need to buck up during this holiday! Readings or journals and revise for my English~ Hope next semster can start with a breeze~
